The day SJMC Japan students have been waiting for has finally come. Today, these students made their long-awaited debut in Japan, excitedly (and tiredly) starting the first day of their 12-day journey.

After 11 hours of exhausting travel, landing in Japan gave everyone a sense of relief and refreshment. For some, this would continue to be the case; however, for others, the stress was not yet over. 

A majority of the students and faculty arrived on the same flight and were able to share in the process together, simplifying the journey for all. 

However, some students faced obstacles when landing.

Graduate assistants Valerie Figueroa and Lisette Calderon, both mass communication majors, faced some flight delays and navigated the subway system with the help of transit workers along the way. 

Once settled, the stress had passed and was replaced with an overwhelming sense of excitement and curiosity.

After a quick huddle to discuss the next day’s activities with Gin Yu, program coordinator with Asia Institute, students were dismissed for dinner, fully prepared to explore the city and the enticing aromas filling Tokyo’s bustling streets. Some opted for a quick, familiar experience to balance the workload and others branched off in search of the city’s abundant unique delicacies including fresh sushi, kimbap and a wide variety of ramen. 

The somewhat familiar, yet vastly different experience one group of students had was eating at a Japanese McDonald’s for their first dinner. This quick option allowed them to compare the differences between fast food in America and Japan and also maximize their time to explore the unfamiliar surrounding area.

With the first night done and full bellies, students turned in awaiting the adventures ahead.

2 thoughts on “Jet-lagged study abroad students find comfort in Japanese cuisine

  1. Such a great post! Your detail, descriptions and personal accounts of everyone’s journey make a reader feel liked they are there experiencing it with you. I laughed at the McDonald’s story. Keep having fun!

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