My name is Carlota Pulgar. I’m a senior public relations major at Texas State University, anticipating graduation in December. I’ve never been overseas, but I’ve heard about this program since my freshman year when I took fundamentals of digital media with Jon Zmikly. I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of traveling abroad.

I’m incredibly grateful for this opportunity; it feels like a full-circle moment. I’ve struggled with self-confidence and never thought I could participate in a program like this. The opportunity to participate in this program feels surreal to me, and I see this as a reflection of my personal growth.

 I’m excited about the program, immersing myself in Japanese culture, and stepping out of my comfort zone, especially this close to graduation. I can’t wait to try the cuisine, explore the unique architecture and dive into the Japanese way of life. I’m also eager to learn with my peers in a new cultural setting and look forward to seeing how this trip will impact me in the long term.

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