I am Laura Restrepo Posada, a junior at Texas State University majoring in digital media innovation with a minor in media studies. I am from Medellin, Colombia, but I have been in the United States for six years. Now I call Austin my home.

Back in Colombia, I studied journalism and wrote numerous articles about my city, focusing on social issues and taboos. I was able to publish in media outlets like El Colombiano, including an article about the La Sierra neighborhood.

I’d recommend the documentary, “La Sierra,” released in 2005 by Margarita Martínez and Scott Dalton, which highlights the neighborhood’s harsh past. The increased media coverage on the topic reveals the incredible transformation over the years. Additionally, I wrote several articles for the independent media outlet Con la Oreja Roja, where I tackled similar topics.

During my university years in Colombia, I won an award for best photographic series, and at the time, I imagined myself becoming a great photojournalist. My dream hasn’t changed, but the world has, and now I see social media, combined with my art and journalistic heart, as the means to bring these stories to the public.

My journey has been long. I restarted my educational path at San Antonio College, where I learned journalism by participating in The Ranger student newspaper. With my upcoming trip to Japan and the content from my classes, I will be more than prepared to take on this role with responsibility and dedication.

My hobbies include watching movies and being one of those people who can be a bit annoying by talking about the colors, scenes, dialogues and characters. I have a deep admiration for this storytelling medium. I am also interested in TV series and anime. My most expensive hobby is traveling and eating, but I save money in other areas so I’m able explore the world as much as possible in this lifetime.

So far I have had the opportunity to travel and immerse myself in the following places: Colombia, Arizona, New Mexico, Mexico City, Tijuana, Monterrey, Havana, Cienfuegos, Trinidad, Key West, Miami, Destin, New Orleans, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Denver, Chicago, New York, Washington D.C., Barcelona, Paris, Montpellier, Venice, Florence, Rome and Athens.

After my time studying abroad in Japan, I’ll be extending my stay for another two weeks to explore more alongside my husband, Brayan. On our wedding day, we promised each other to explore the world together, and this opportunity allows us to keep that promise. If you want to stay tuned to all my adventures, follow me @nomade.dragon.

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