Hello everyone, my name is Lauren Reid. I am a junior at Texas State University majoring in advertising and minoring in psychology. I intend to one day be an art director or in a similar position on the creative side of advertising. I’m from Liberty Hill, a small town in Texas, and this will be my first time traveling to Japan. Some skills I’m enthusiastic to improve during this trip are videography and social media content writing as I don’t have much experience in those yet. Overall, I’m most excited for this opportunity to gather valuable content for my creative portfolio.

Outside of academics, I love silly object earrings (I’m wearing my passport earrings in the photo above!), trying new desserts, the color orange, cats, crocodiles, artificial banana flavoring, lychee and the sandworms from “Beetlejuice.” In my free time, I enjoy browsing random pages on Wikipedia and cooking delicious recipes in the kitchen.

On this trip, I’m most excited for the shopping (more so looking than buying, for the sake of my wallet), learning trivia about the places we visit and trying new sweet treats. I love anime and manga, such as my current favorites “Chainsaw Man” and “Jujutsu Kaisen,” and I’m excited to hopefully see merchandise and promotional material for them in Japan.

1 thought on “Lauren Reid

  1. Hi Lauren,
    My name is Amy. I work with your dad! I’m so excited to hear about your exciting trip to Japan! It sounds like a great opportunity for you to broaden your learning experiences while having an awesome time doing it! I love to bake and I love sweets too! I hope you can bring back some great recipes! I wish you all the best, Lauren! Enjoy!

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