Hello! My name is Thalia Gomez Patino, and I am currently a senior at Texas State University. I am pursuing a degree in international studies with an East Asia concentration. I look forward to obtaining a career that allows me to incorporate traveling, continue learning about other places and be able to put everything I learn into action. I’m excited to learn more about the Japanese culture and be able to vividly share it with others through my writing.

During my free time, I enjoy reading, playing volleyball and traveling. Although I have traveled to Los Angeles, Seattle, Miami, and Mexico, I am still nervous about traveling to Japan. This will be my first time flying overseas and spending time in a completely different culture. I look forward to building new friendships and be able to experience new traditions, food and music. Hopefully, during my time in Japan, I will be able to visit Disneyland in Tokyo so I can cross that off my bucket list!

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