From the moment I enrolled in the study abroad program in Japan, I was filled with energy and determination but had zero dollars in my bank account to cover such an expense.

Despite the financial challenge, I couldn’t resist the allure of experiencing and learning from a culture that had always fascinated me. The opportunity to grow in audiovisual and writing knowledge was incredibly appealing for my career. Beyond professional aspirations, I eagerly anticipated immersing myself in Japan’s rich culture, engaging with its people, and gaining a deeper understanding of their way of life. This combination of personal growth and cultural exploration ultimately drove me to pursue this adventure.

Every experience in Japan felt extraordinary from the moment I landed. It’s difficult to pinpoint just one highlight because everything, from the simplest metro ride to the most intricate temple visit, was captivating.

However, exploring the local markets stands out. Food is one of my greatest passions, and being surrounded by many unique culinary options was unforgettable. Tasting sea urchins and fugu (pufferfish) was a top priority, and both exceeded my expectations. The sea urchin had a strong ocean flavor and a soft, melt-in-your-mouth texture, while the fugu, surprisingly mild in taste, exploded with authenticity when paired with soy sauce.

Cultural encounters were another highlight of the trip. From learning to make fake Japanese food to participating in a traditional tea ceremony and visiting numerous temples, each activity offered a deep dive into Japanese traditions and customs. The tea ceremony, in particular, was a serene and enlightening experience, allowing me to appreciate the meticulous attention to detail and the meditative process involved. Visiting temples like Sensō-ji in Tokyo and Kiyomizu-dera in Kyoto provided a profound sense of history and spirituality, highlighting the cultural richness of Japan.

Extending my stay after the program ended was one of the most exciting parts of my journey. Since I had already bought the tickets, I took the opportunity to explore more of Japan with my husband. The highlight of this personal travel was visiting Hiroshima, a place of profound historical significance. As someone passionate about history, I was deeply moved by the stories and impact of this city. One of my favorite books, “Hiroshima” by John Hersey, left a lasting impression on me, and visiting the city was a powerful and emotional experience.

Reflecting on what this program has meant to me, I realize it was a challenge that I overcame, a testament to what I can achieve when I set my mind to it, and a demonstration of my courage and strength. Achieving such victories from where I come from is significant. In my home country of Colombia, I could never have imagined having this opportunity and gaining so much from it, and the most incredible part is that I accomplished it through my efforts, earning scholarships and working hard to make it happen.

This program has equipped me for a new position I will soon take on at Texas State University as the social media coordinator for the LBJ Student Center. I am excited to showcase all the skills I have learned from this experience. It has not only enriched my academic knowledge but also prepared me for future professional endeavors. The confidence and skills I have gained will undoubtedly impact my collegiate career and beyond, providing a strong foundation for my professional growth.

My study abroad experience in Japan has been a journey of discovery and growth. From the initial excitement and determination to the diverse and enriching experiences, and the valuable lessons learned, this program has been transformative.

It has reinforced my passion for learning and my ability to overcome challenges, paving the way for future successes in my academic and professional life. The wait and effort of the entire year were truly worth it.

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