More than just a study abroad opportunity, the SJMC Japan program is a journey of personal exploration, cross-cultural learning and career development. I was immediately captivated by the program’s offer to fully immerse oneself in a culture that is very different from my own when I first heard about it.

Upon enrolling in the program, my goals were to improve my knowledge of media and journalism in an international environment, enhance my intercultural communication abilities and learn more about Japanese culture. I was really looking forward to seeing historical places, taking in Tokyo’s energetic city life and going to a variety of cultural events. 

During the program in Japan, I had the opportunity to engage in a range of remarkable activities. A baseball game that SJMC Japan Academic Program Director Gilbert D. Martinez arranged with Hitotsubashi University students was one of the most memorable events. Along with being a great way to engage with students and gain insight into their viewpoints, this event was also a lot of fun. Together, we were able to attend the game and create new connections that enhanced my understanding of Japanese society as well as served as a memorable highlight of my study abroad experience.

The Pompompurin Café visit was another exciting experience. It was whimsical and seemed like entering a dream because of the themed décor and cute sweets.  

Nighttime viewing of the Shibuya scramble crossing was another unforgettable experience. Tokyo’s lively energy was evident in the sea of people passing in all directions, all lit up by neon lights. I got a sense of Tokyo’s size and energy from being a part of this well-known and packed scene.

Seeing the Tokyo Tower provided amazing city views. Observing Tokyo from such a high point gave me an entirely new perspective on the huge city, which was fascinating. I was able to fully appreciate Tokyo’s size and diversity from its towering skyscrapers to its historic sites tucked away among modern buildings thanks to the wide view. 

It was an incredibly moving experience to visit Kiyomizu-Dera Temple, particularly the ceremony at Otowa no taki (Otowa Waterfall). There are three streams that separate this holy waterfall, and each one has special spiritual advantages. Three streams are offered: the first is for academic success, the second is for romantic fulfillment and love, and the third is for long life and health. It was quite moving to take part in this ceremony since it gave me a chance to think about numerous aspects of life, such as health, love and education. The tranquil and historically significant surroundings of the temple further accentuated the feeling of optimism and aspiration that came with sipping the water. This encounter had a deep impression on me and brought to light the significance of tradition and spirituality in Japanese society.  

I learned a great deal both personally and academically throughout the program. I had an especially positive academic experience from the courses on mobile storytelling and feature writing. My ability to tell captivating stories and convey the spirit of outdoor adventures has improved because of these classes. My approach to storytelling has become more creative and detailed as a result of the hands-on, immersive learning environment in the classes and the distinctive Japanese scenery. 

For me, the experience expanded my perspective on the world and writing by demonstrating the importance of pushing myself outside my comfort zone and accepting new challenges. My problem-solving abilities and resilience were strengthened by navigating a foreign country, communicating in a foreign language and adjusting to new cultural norms. Additionally, my appreciation for the hospitality of the Japanese people and their rich culture grew. The warmth and friendliness I experienced left a lasting impression on me and guaranteed the value of empathy and diversity in cross-cultural relationships. 

My academic understanding has been enhanced and my personal development has been shaped by the SJMC Japan program. This curriculum will provide me with an international viewpoint and a stronger foundation in understanding other cultures, which I believe will have a huge impact on my academic and professional careers. I’m motivated to go after additional foreign trips going forward and to use the knowledge I gained in Japan for my media and journalism pursuits. 

All things considered, SJMC Japan was an incredible journey of self-awareness, cross-cultural learning and career advancement. I will always remember the experiences I had and the things I learned. This program prepared me for a future in media and journalism, but it was much more than just a study abroad experience: It was a journey that had a major effect on my academic and personal development. 

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