Getting into this program meant a lot to me because studying abroad was the last criteria I needed in order to graduate.

I had also envisioned myself going to Japan for school ever since freshman year at Texas State. So when I received the news I had been accepted into the program, I became ecstatic.

The opportunity to experience and study the atmosphere and culture of another country had fallen into the palm of my hand. I was very excited to enjoy Japan with new peers and faculty that would eventually become close friends.

For me, one of the most exciting experiences in Japan was witnessing so many Japanese Domestic Model cars. The sheer variety and meticulous craftsmanship of these JDM vehicles were a highlight of our time in Tokyo. I am so glad that I was able to capture all that I saw on camera to cherish for a long time.

Following this, I can never forget the breathtaking views from the top of Tokyo Tower. Here I was able to see a panoramic perspective of the city’s vast and vibrant landscape.

The visit to Rikkyo University in Tokyo is at the top of my list because here we had the opportunity to engage with Japanese college students. Here, I was able to explore the campus and view the same college experience I have but with an outside perspective. It was also very nice to connect with the students personally and learn about their experiences.

The last night in Kyoto will always live in my head rent free. That night, the class ended our final night in Kyoto with a farewell dinner consisting of an array of various meats and side dishes at Chifaja. As I settled into my seat, the sizzling sounds of meat grilling on the tabletop filled the air. Each bite was a delicious reminder of the delicious cuisine that Kyoto has to offer.

After dinner, I strolled through nearby shops and took the chance to soak in the local culture one last time. The evening was an amazing blend of culinary indulgence and cultural exploration, providing a memorable and fitting conclusion to my Kyoto adventure.

Through this trip, I was also able to gather more information about how international media operates within Japan. Visiting the Tokyo bureau office of the Wall Street Journal in Japan allowed me to understand the challenges and strategies of reporting in a foreign country and deepened my appreciation for global journalism.

Visiting co-founder Jay Allen at Unseen Japan also provided me with a nuanced perspective on contemporary Japanese issues. He explained how these issues are perceived both domestically and internationally. This discussion brought to my attention the importance of cultural sensitivity and the power of media in shaping public opinion.

I will never forget visiting historic sites such as Enoshima Island and the Great Buddha. It was sites like these that enriched my understanding of Japan’s history and cultural heritage. Throughout the trip I realized that the famous landmarks are not only significant tourist attractions but also embodiments of Japan’s spiritual and historical narrative.

Engaging with Japanese college students at Rikkyo University was a unique opportunity to learn about their daily lives and perspectives. This interaction improved my cross-cultural communication skills and underscored the importance of empathy and open-mindedness in building global connections. When we first met, the students were very pleased to know that I was capable of understanding and speaking an intermediate level of Japanese.

It was interactions like these that reignited my passion for studying Japanese again and enhance my Japanese language skills once again. Navigating through Japan, often relying on public transportation and adhering to a packed schedule, taught me the value of adaptability and communication. Whether it was finding our way in Tokyo or adjusting to different cultural norms, each experience was a lesson in resilience. This trip was truly an unforgettable educational experience that went beyond traditional classroom learning and offered real-world insights and personal growth opportunities.

This study abroad program was more than just an academic requirement; it was a transformative experience that expanded my horizons both personally and professionally. It allowed me to immerse myself in a unique culture and provided a deeper understanding of global dynamics and intercultural communication.

The program improved my studies in international relations by offering real-world experiences such as engaging with Japanese culture, history and media. This provided concrete examples of international concepts discussed in class, making my academic learning more tangible and relevant.

The exposure to different historical sites and modern institutions like the Wall Street Journal and Unseen Japan helped hone my research skills. I learned to ask critical questions, analyze diverse sources of information and gather insights from various perspectives, which will be invaluable in my remaining coursework. Interacting with Japanese students, professionals and locals expanded my network and provided opportunities for future collaboration. These connections could prove beneficial as I progress in my academic and professional journey.

The program heightened my global awareness, a crucial attribute for a career in international relations and diplomacy. Understanding the nuances of Japanese culture and society has equipped me with a broader perspective on global issues.

This experience fostered a deeper cultural knowledge within myself that I know will be invaluable to future career opportunities. Being able to navigate and appreciate different cultural contexts will be crucial in my interactions with international counterparts and in understanding global diplomatic challenges.

The program also developed my practical skills in areas such as cross-cultural communication, adaptability and problem-solving. These skills are directly applicable to the role of a foreign service officer where understanding and navigating complex international environments is a daily requirement.

In conclusion, this program has been instrumental in shaping my academic and professional trajectory. It provided me with key experiences and skills that will not only enhance my collegiate career but also lay a strong foundation for my goal of becoming a foreign service officer. The lessons learned and the memories made will continue to influence my approach to International Relations and diplomacy. I have hopes that my participation in this program will show future employers my skills and also give me a chance to present the work I personally created.

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