Hello! My name is Jasmine Olivo, and I am a senior at Texas State University. My major is international studies with an international business concentration, so studying abroad is a MUST. I am from Dallas, Texas, and throughout my life, I have traveled to many places in the United States including New York, Massachusetts, Florida, Louisiana, Tennessee and even Vermont.

However, this will be my first time traveling overseas, so I am super excited and cannot wait to start this life-changing journey! I have always wanted to travel abroad and experience new adventures. Studying abroad with the School of Journalism and Mass Communication in Japan will allow me to break out of my comfort zone and immerse myself in a new culture.

Honestly, what I am most looking forward to is simply going to Japan. I am excited to explore Tokyo and Kyoto, as well as learning more about Japanese culture, engaging with Japanese students and having the chance to form new friendships with the SJMC Japan students.

If you would like to keep up with our adventures in Japan, then make sure to follow our Instagram account @sjmcjapan.

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