Hello everyone, my name is Roselyn Mendoza, but everyone calls me Rosey. I am from San Antonio, Texas, and I am now an incoming sophomore at Texas State University. I am beyond excited to travel to Japan this summer. Since the beginning of my freshman year, I knew I wanted to travel abroad. When I found out I had the opportunity to go to Japan, I immediately jumped at the opportunity. Funny enough, I was actually one of the first people to submit my application because I was so eager to go.

I have always been interested in traveling. I have been to many states in the U.S. and went overseas to Europe last year. These experiences have really opened up my perspective. I was able to see many different walks of life. One of my biggest goals is to travel to as many countries as possible in my lifetime. I love to explore different cultures and see how others live in their day-to-day lives.

As for visiting Japan, I would have to say I am most excited to see the Buddhist temples. I have found myself researching the religion heavily and have found a great connection to it. I know this trip will be one I will always remember, and I can’t wait to see how I will grow as a writer. If you want to follow my classmates and me on this trip, follow @sjmcjapan on Instagram.

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