Hi! My name is Reese Zeigler, and I am a junior majoring in mass communication at Texas State University. In my spare time, I like to go on walks with my dog, play video games with my brother, cook, and bake.

I have traveled overseas before to countries in Eastern Europe, so I am not too nervous about traveling to Japan. One thing that I am a little nervous about is the language barrier, but I’m not going to let that stop me from having fun and learning more about Japan.

Things I am looking forward to in Japan:

  • Tea ceremony
  • Seeing Daibutsu (The Great Buddha)
  • Riding the Shinkansen (bullet train)
  • Trying new foods
  • Spending time with new friends

To see and read about our adventures in Japan make sure to also follow us on Instagram @sjmcjapan.

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