Hi, my name is Katharine Robertson and I am another one of the student writers that will be sharing my journey across the world with you on this blog! I am an Austin native, to the point that I still live in Austin and commute to San Marcos for class. I am a public relations and mass communication major and I work with KTSW, Texas State’s student radio station.

After I finish school, I would love to spend some time traveling throughout the world. I am currently considering teaching English in either Japan or South Korea for a few years after I graduate and then coming back to the United States to then start working in either the entertainment or radio industry… who knows, maybe I’ll have my own travel show.

Speaking of travel shows, one of my biggest inspirations in my life is Anthony Bourdain. I can’t really tell you when I started watching his show, but all I know is that one day, I decided I wanted to do as he did. His love for storytelling, traveling, and food impacted my life in such a way that I still look up to him. I want this trip to be a start of a life long journey of traveling and learning the ways of the world. This interest of traveling and other cultures has taken on a life of its own; most of the videos I watch on YouTube are travel-based videos.

Music and food speak to me like no other. I think we can learn so much about people and cultures based on what and how they eat and their relationship with food. And the same goes for music too. Music is the way we communicate with our surroundings and society. On this trip, I hope to learn more about Japanese food and discover why my dad said the best Italian food was in Tokyo. And I learn more about Japanese music: how it’s unique and the impact it has made in the world.

Continuing on after this trip, I would love to return to Asia and have my next trip be to either South Korea or France. But really anywhere I go, I’ll be happy just to experience to world. I hope y’all enjoy this trip and learning with us.

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