One of the most impressionable locations I had the pleasure of visiting in Tokyo was the Tsukiji Outer Market. This was one of our first outings and was on our first full day in Japan. I will never forget the sensory overload that was the smell of unknown food, the feeling of incessant rain, the sound of zany crowds, the sight of congested market booths and the taste of obscure foods.

Program Assistant Jon Zmikly and Program Director Gilbert D. Martinez share final instructions to the group prior to letting us loose on the market.
Students walk across the street towards the market.
The awnings were packed full with people traveling both directions at all times.
The street vendors drew in customers by freshly cooking fish by the walk ways.
Multiple shops hosted a vast array of raw fish for locals to purchase and cook.
Student Meredith Martinez enjoys a cheap snack from one of the vendors.
Everywhere I looked there was another surprise. I walked alone for a while and had a surreal experience.
This octopus proved to be a hit with my peers and I.
The octopus were off-putting at first, but after we got over the strangeness of the dish it was a tasty treat.
This is Biying Ding enjoying a bite of octopus. Biying is a representative from the Asia Institute, the travel agency that assisted on our trip. We all took turns eating off of the skewer.
Tyra Williams enjoys a fried snack while talking with India Sherman.
Student India Sherman accepts a sample of wasabi peas. The wasabi wasn’t too bad after all!
Entire portions of fresh fish lie out on the butcher’s block.
Student Meredith Martinez enjoys chai ice cream in a cone.
Students Grant Langford, Katharine Robertson, and Emilee Hall take shelter under an umbrella together.

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